вторник, 29 декабря 2009 г.

5 Visuals You Must Have When Starting a Business

5 Visuals You Must Have When Starting a Business

It’s no secret that when you start a new business, you’re going to need some sort of visuals to go along with it. To appeal to your target audience, you need to have a branding plan set so you are consistent across the board. This removes any confusion from potential customers or clients regarding your business, and it will start to build your credibility as you become more recognizable.

There are many different types of visuals you will need going into the future, but in this post I am going to cover 5 visuals you must have when starting a business to help you figure out where you should start.

5 Visuals You Must Have When Starting a Business

5 Visuals You Must Have When Starting a Business + Free Roadmap! - Tarango Visual Studio

1. Logo / Branding

One of the most important visuals (probably the most important) is your logo design. This is because your logo will become the most used aspect of your business – design wise. Your logo goes in your website’s header, your social media accounts, your business card, and much more.

As for your branding, your logo goes hand and hand with this. What exactly is branding, you ask? Well, it is all of the design elements that make up your brand like your logo, the fonts you will use for your business, the colors, and the different logo variation types. Your branding will also set the tone for how your website will look visually with the colors and fonts as well as any type of digital or print material that you create for your business.

A complete logo & branding package should include:

• A finalized vector logo with multiple file types (JPG, PNG, EPS, SVG…)

• Logo variations with the same file types for different uses and format

• A square PNG logo (favicon or submark) for your website and social media

• 2 – 3 colors for your brand

• 1 – 2 fonts to be used in your logo and your digital + print material

2. Photos

This is probably the most overlooked aspect of visuals needed for your business. Once you have your branding, this should set the tone of the style of images you’re looking to feature. Are you going for a clean / sleek look? Then minimal white backdrop images are the way to go. Are you going for a more outdoorsy vibe? Then lifestyle images that are photographed outdoors would best suite you.

Always invest in quality images when you’re going to feature them on your website, your social media, or any type of marketing materials for your business. High quality images will always appeal more to a larger audience and are great to build awareness of who you are, as well as your services / products.

Your branded images should include:

• Headshots

• Lifestyle / portfolio images

• Product photos

• Social media post photos

• Stock photos

3. Social Media

After you’ve built a nice library of quality images, you’re ready to set up your social media. It is a misconception that you need to have your website built and business launched before you set up your social media accounts. This is entirely untrue and is even better if you start before you launch. This way, you can build up anticipation for your business and get people excited for what you have to offer in the upcoming future. Post your beautiful images regularly with some content to get people engaged so they will connect and share your brand’s story.

Your social media accounts might include:

• Pinterest (a must for most businesses!)

• Facebook Page

• Instagram Account (for visual heavy businesses)

• Twitter Account

• LinkedIn (to build business-business relationships

4. Website

Along with your logo, your website is one of the most important visual aspects of your business. This is where most people (around the globe) will go to learn about who you are and what you have to offer. You need a good quality website to appeal to online visitors, not frustrate them and scare them away.

Build and design your website around your logo + branding package and display your images on each of the pages. Also feature your social media accounts so visitors can easily connect and stay updated with your business news.

Your website should include:

• A unique design built around your branding

• Clear and concise copy

• A layout that flows and is easy to navigate

• Pages and images that are optimized for search engines

• Short page loading times

• An SSL Certificate to label your website as “Secure” on browsers

5. Business Card

Last, but certainly not least, is your business card. This is where you put all of your previous visuals together in print format. A lot of people think that business cards are dead, but I have to disagree. When connecting with other entrepreneurs or potential clients offline, it’s much easier to hand them a card with all of the information they need to be able to get in touch later. I always keep a couple of cards handy with me wherever I go, because you never know who you will meet. Plus, many businesses have a board where you can include your flyers or business cards, and that’s free advertising!

Your business card should include:

• Your branding elements (colors + fonts)

• Your business name and logo

• Your email

• Your business tagline (small snippet of what your business is)

• Your social media accounts

• An image (optional)

• Your website

• Your phone number (optional)

These are of course not the only visuals you will need, but this is a great guide to use when you’re beginning to grow your business and are unsure on where to start. Creating quality visuals takes time and must not be rushed. This is your business, and you need to make sure you’re representing it correctly. Hiring a professional is always the best option if you are not well versed in any of these areas. You want to create quality content that appeals to your target audience. Not something that is put together quickly, without much thought or consideration.

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Original article and pictures take tarangovisualstudio.com site

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