пятница, 12 сентября 2014 г.

How To Write Your Services Page

How To Write Your Services Page

When it comes to your Website, we believe that your Services page could be the make or break to if someone books you or not. It could very well be the first thing that people look at when they come to your Website. In fact, our Services Page is one of our most view pages!

Are you doing all that you can on that page, to attract and book your Ideal Client? Keep reading!

PS-Be sure to PIN the image below, so that you can save it for later!

  1. Clear Explanation of Each of Your Services
    This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many websites we come across, and leave not knowing what they even do! Or, we leave more confused than when we started! Be sure to give clear and concise explanations of what you do. To help, think about an ‘elevator pitch’ for each of your services. If you only had 15 seconds to explain each of your services to someone, what would you say? Also, remember that some visitors might not know anything about what you do! So pretend as if you are speaking to your Ideal Client when writing these explanations! If you want to go the extra mile, ask a friend or family member to help explain what you do. They might have a better outside perspective, and be able to help explain it from an ‘outside’ perspective!
  2. Clear Identification of Your Ideal Client
    We often get asked, ‘How do I attract more of my Ideal Client?’ And while there are a lot of reasons you might not be booking your Ideal Client, it starts with your Website and Services Page! Are you letting your visitors know right away who you want to work with? This helps eliminate the inquiries that might not connect with you, and bring in the ones that you do want to work with! Your Services Page is a great opportunity to set clear expectations with who you want to work with. Let it be known!
  3. Clear Explanation of Why Someone Should Book You
    Remember, your Website is the first place and opportunity to sell yourself and your services! Why would a visitor want to book you over someone else? Your Services Page is the perfect place to let potential Clients know what sets you apart, and what makes you the person for them and their needs! Do you have experience that others don’t? Is it your unique Client Experience that sets you apart? What about you and your team? What makes you different? Let visitors know why they should book you!
  4. Clear Place to View Pricing
    Letting Clients know what to expect when it comes to your Pricing is a long debated strategy…but we like to let our Clients know, so that we get inquiries from Clients that are ready to book! Even if you don’t have direct pricing, but rather a Pricing Guide that you link to (that’s what we do!), it’s important to answer a few of these questions for your Clients right away.
  5. Clear Steps on What To Do Next – Call To Action
    This is crucial! Your visitor is excited and ready to book…but now what? It’s important to include clear Call-To-Actions on your Services Page! Do you want them to contact you? Do you want them to fill out your inquiry form? Make sure there is a clear place that they can get in touch! On our website, we lay it out with ‘Next Steps.’ However you choose is up to you, just make sure they can get in Contact with you quickly and easily!


Did these tips help? Is your Services Page serving you?

Original article and pictures take static.showit.co site

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