пятница, 10 апреля 2009 г.

20 Services Bloggers Need from a Virtual Assistant

20 Services Bloggers Need from a Virtual Assistant

If you are hoping to build your online income as a virtual assistant, you need to know what services are popular right now. Bloggers are a great place to get business, as there a lots of mundane tasks related to blogging that many would love to outsource.

Offering these services will gain you more business, increasing your income! If you don’t have experience in some of the services in the list below, start learning now. There are sure to be courses or tools on the web that will help you perform these duties!


20 Services Blogger Need from a Virtual Assistant

1. Blog Post Creation

This is probably the most requested service I have seen lately for bloggers. They may have a list of topics they want to cover on their blog, but not enough time to write them all. VAs can help with this, especially if they have expertise in the topics bloggers want to cover.

2. Content Editing

Sometimes, bloggers write posts but they want another set on eyes to look them over before they hit publish. They may feel their spelling or grammar isn’t up to par, so they want to hire a VA to help with editing.

3. Content Uploading

If you know the backend of WordPress, you can offer to upload the content for publishing right onto your client’s blog. This isn’t every difficult, it’s just time consuming to upload the text, format it with subheadings, add in the pictures, and schedule.

4. Answering Emails

Bloggers get A LOT of emails. So many, they may not have time to respond to all of them. This is where a helpful VA comes in! You may be hired to write replies to pitches or inquiries on the blogger’s behalf.

5. Photo Editing

Photography is a big thing in the blogging world. Photos can really make or break a blog post. If you have experience with Picmonkey or Canva, you can also your editing services. Sometimes, bloggers simply use a stock photo with a text overlay to make it a pinnable picture for their post.


6. Pitching Brands

Lots of bloggers earn money through sponsored posts or product reviews with brands. They may need a VA to help pitch these brands for opportunities. You may be responsible to following up on these inquires as well.

7. Research

Researching for bloggers is a very popular task for VAs. Your clients may want you to find a list of recipes to include in a roundup. They may ask for affiliate research to add products to a blog post. They may even want research done for the post itself!

8. Email Series Creation

A blogger’s email list is a very important asset to their business. They need to take care of their subscribers by emailing them frequently. If you have email marketing experience, you may be hired to write a series of followup emails once someone subscribes to a blogger’s list.

9. eBook Creation

A great way for a blogger to build her online income is through selling her own products. She may need help with this route, however, and that’s where an experienced VA can come in. You may be required to research for the book, write parts or it, or edit the rough draft.

10. Social Media Management

With bloggers needing to be on all the popular networks, social media can quickly become overwhelming! VAs may relieve the burden by managing one or more social platforms for their clients. This may include writing and scheduling Tweets, filling Tailwind accounts with pins, or interacting on the blogger’s Facebook page.

11. Giveaway Promotion

Giveaways are a great way for bloggers to gain new followers and traffic. They must promote these giveaways, however, and some look for VAs with experience in this. Your job would be to list the giveaway in directories across the internet. You may also be asked to share it in Facebook groups, or schedule social media shares.

12. Transcription

Some bloggers use other forms of media, like audio and video, to reach their audience. They may want these transcribed so they can also be used as blog posts. You would need to listen to the recordings and type them out so they can be published on the blog.

13. Video Editing

Video is very popular in the blogging world these days. However, it takes a lot of skill and time to edit a single video. If you can offer these services as a VA, you may have no trouble getting work!

14. Bookkeeping

Being self employed, it’s important that bloggers track their income and expenses for tax purposes. There are some free tax tools online that any blogger can use pretty easily. Still, some may enlist a trustworthy VA to handle the financial side of the business. This can also include recording receipts or sending invoices for payment.


16. Site Updates

It’s a good idea for bloggers to make minor updates to their blog every now and then, just to keep things looking fresh. You may be asked to add new images or links to the sidebar or footer, change up category names, or move widgets around on the blog.

17. Blog Commenting

A great way for bloggers to get their name out there and support others is through commenting. Many hire a VA to do this because it takes time to read through posts and leave thoughtful comments every single day.

18. Spreadsheet Creation

Spreadsheets can come in handy for bloggers, such as when they are scheduling tweets or looking for a previous post they have written. A popular VA service right now is to create these spreadsheets to make a blogger’s life easier.

19. Keyword Research

SEO is very important for a blog, to get the posts seen in the search engines. If you have keyword tools like Long Tail Pro, or simply know how to maneuver the Google Keyword Tool, you could be a great asset for a blogger.

20. Customer Service

Working with bloggers that have their own products or services may mean you do some customer support for them. This could include answering emails, being a live chat representative, or sending out free bonuses and other goodies.

Bloggers: What virtual assistant services do you need the most?
VAs: What popular services do you offer?

Original article and pictures take frommomsdesk.com site

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