понедельник, 19 ноября 2012 г.

How to Advertise a House Cleaning Service

How to Advertise a House Cleaning Service
Advertising your housecleaning business will help you to reach customers.

No matter how terrific your house cleaning service is, you won't succeed without customers. The best way to reach those customers is to advertise your house cleaning business online and off, and to support those ads with promotional materials that help to get your name out there where your customers can find it.

Laying the Groundwork

If you don't already have one, purchase a website address (domain) and put up a website for yourself, even if it's a simple one describing your business and listing your rates and contact information.

Put your website address on everything else you create, from business cards to flyers to print or online ads.

Create a list of potential advertising media targets for your home cleaning business by researching print and online media in the niche of house and home.

Get advertising rates, rate cards and editorial calendars from your top five targets so that you can advertise in issues that are directly relevant to home cleaning services or tips for readers.

Get business cards printed up to promote your business. On a budget, you can also create and print your own using some easily printable clean-edge business cards that you can purchase by the sheet at almost any office supply store.

Starting the Ad Process

Create and print flyers that dynamically promote your business. Emphasize any specials you may be offering first-time customers. Post the flyers in local shops and appropriate windows, and give them out door-to-door in local neighborhoods, where allowed.

Write up some short text copy for use in text or search engine ads.

Use your favorite graphic software to create an ad for use in print, online and web advertising.

Test your ad in one or two issues to gauge what kind of response you receive for your home cleaning business. Increase frequency (or stop advertising altogether) based on whether you achieve definitive customer response.

Submit your site to the top search engines, as well as to any link directories for home cleaning or maid service businesses. Submitting your site to most search engines for indexing is easy, and typically involves submitting your URL as well as a brief description of your site to the search engine (via its "Add your URL" or "Submit your Site" link).

Reaching Your Audience

Post a PPC (pay per click) ad to the top two or three search engines, incorporating house cleaning, home cleaning and maid service as your key words.

Put up a business page for your housecleaning business on your favorite social networking site.

Create a simple but effective text ad for your business for submission to your favorite social networking site(s), at pay per click (PPC) rates and frequencies to meet your budget.

Create a blog about your business's successes and day-to-day innovations, and link to your blog via your social networking pages, e-mails and website.

Write articles for submission to local house and home media that offer solutions to common house cleaning dilemmas or issues, showing potential customers that you're an expert in the field.

Angela Mitchell is a freelance writer, editor and playwright with more than 200 published features to her credit since 1993. Her articles have appeared in everything from "Writer's Digest," to "Computer Currents," "Markee," "ParentGuide," "Antique Trader Weekly," and more.

Original article and pictures take bizfluent.com site

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