понедельник, 26 ноября 2012 г.

How To Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant In A Day

How To Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant In A Day

Does offering Pinterest VA services at $25-50 an hour sound good to you? If so, then you’re in the right place!

Pinterest is a platform that every business and blog can benefit from nowadays. It has a massive amount of active monthly users (150+ million) and a lot of users are coming with the intention of making a purchase.

This is awesome news for anyone who wants to increase sales, page views or even affiliate income.

And yet, there are still bloggers out there who aren’t on Pinterest yet and just aren’t sure how to make it work for them.

That’s where a Pinterest VA can come in and help! They can help bloggers in any niche reach a larger audience and get their message out there.

It’s a fun, flexible and rewarding path to take if Pinterest and freelancing are both things you’re interested in.

Do you want to DIY your Pinterest Virtual Assistant business? Be sure to check out the Gina & Kristin’s new Pinterest shop. It’s filled with super helpful resources you can use to land your first client, create client pins in minutes, onboard clients, a client contract and more!

All that said, today we’ll be going over how you can become a Pinterest virtual assistant in less than a day if you want to.

From common services to ideas on finding clients, we’ll be going over some of the essentials of becoming a Pinterest VA. Ready to see how you can launch a Pinterest VA business today and start making money from home? Yeah? Sweet, let’s do this.

Become a Pinterest virtual assistant and start your online business in less than a day! From the kinds of services you can offer to tips and tools, this post will help you determine if becoming a Pinterest VA is right for you. Click through to start your Pinterest VA journey today!

This post contains affiliate links, but rest assured I only recommend products I’ve personally tried and absolutely love. I sincerely believe these products can help you increase your income or help you grow your blog. If you make a purchase from one of the links below, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!


So before taking the first step to starting a Pinterest business, consider how much you already know about the platform.

Are you active on Pinterest? Are you familiar with the common scheduling tools? Have you experimented with different Pinterest strategies?

If your answer is no to any or all of these questions, try building up your knowledge on Pinterest before taking the leap to offering Pinterest services.

Here are a few posts I’ve written to help you build up your Pinterest skillz:

And here’s another awesome resource I highly recommend checking out if you’re completely new to Pinterest.

Take Action: Spend some time working through these resources to familiarize yourself with how Pinterest works. If you’re already a Pinterest master, move onto the next step!


Before starting any kind of business, I’m a firm believer in understanding your driving force and setting a few goals.

When I decided to take the Become A Pinterest VA Today course, I was an absolute newbie when it came to Pinterest. But I knew it was a service I wanted to add to my list.

It sounded like fun, is in demand and I had confidence it would be a service that could help me increase my monthly income.

So when it came down to it, I took a few courses on Pinterest, went back to the Become A Pinterest VA material and within that same day, was able to start pitching clients. Awesome, right?

Take Action: Spend a minute or two thinking about your driving force and motivation for starting a Pinterest VA business. Do you want more freedom, time, income – all of the above?


Are there specific types of blogs you find yourself reading on your spare time? For example fashion, parenting, crafting, etc.

Or are you particularly knowledgeable on certain topics like health, personal finance or beauty?

These are all things to keep in mind when deciding on your target market and essentially picking the kind of blogger or business owner you want to work with.

When you have your target market down, they’ll be easier to find, relate to and ultimately help. Plus, you’ll likely know jargon or terms commonly used in the industry which a major plus.

Take Action: Get specific on the kind of blog/business you want to offer Pinterest services to. What are some niches you’re naturally drawn to?

Want to get crystal clear on your target market and understand them like never before? The Become A Pinterest VA Today course has an entire section in the workbook devoted to helping you better understand and connect with your ideal client.


Now you’re ready to start working on your list of services!

Here are a few common services a Pinterest VA can offer:

  • Scheduling specified # of pins per month
  • Tailwind or BoardBooster account setup
  • Checking for and uploading new content from website
  • Custom pin design (my fave!)
  • Pinterest business account setup
  • Account cleanup (adding/removing boards, etc)
  • Updating pins for search engine optimization
  • Looking for and applying to group boards

You can offer any or all of the services from this list above, or you can add your own to the list if you have some additional ideas.

Once you’ve made your list, set your prices! Take into consideration how much time you think each task will take you and that on average Pinterest VA’s earn between $25-50 per hour.

Also, make sure not to forget about self-employment taxes. Adding an additional 25% of what you plan to charge is a good rule of thumb so you won’t have to worry about having too little saved when tax time rolls around.

Take Action: Pick out the services you want to offer to your target market. And adjust your prices accordingly to account for taxes.


With your list of services and pricing in hand, you can move onto the next step – finding clients.

There are so many ways to find clients these days, it’s amazing! Not to mention, it’s so much easier to find clients when you have your target market all set and in mind.

So, for example, let’s say your ideal client is a finance blogger, you can join Facebook groups they would likely be a part of. You can also search for ‘Finance blogger’ on Twitter and see who comes up or look at top influencers in the industry and see who follows them.

I’ve seen a lot of great results with Facebook groups personally and in Become A Pinterest VA Today, you’re given 10 of the best groups for finding online business owners and bloggers.

These groups have hundreds of potential clients and are a really great way to get your name out there & start landing clients.

Another thing you can do is let your friends and family know that you plan to offer Pinterest services, the type of clients you’re looking for and if they know anyone who might be interested.

Take Action: Find 5 Facebook groups where your target market resides and introduce yourself in each – with a unique and different intro per group.


Once you have a list of groups to join or a list or individuals you want to reach out to, it’s time to start pitching your services!

This can be though cold-emailing a few people on your list per day to spending an hour or two in Facebook groups introducing yourself and helping others.

Want effective templates you can use to quickly and easily pitch clients with? Become A Pinterest VA Today has several pitching and follow up templates you can use to make an awesome first impression to your potential clients.


I know starting up a new business can seem daunting, but I’ve personally found that creating a Pinterest VA business doesn’t have to be confusing or difficult. The key ingredients are knowing what steps to take and creating a solid foundation.

When I took Become A Pinterest VA Today last December, that’s exactly what it gave me – a clear path and action steps to take. I was able to go through the videos + workbook and set up my business within a few hours.

Plus, they’ve added TONS of new bonus content this launch, including a client onboarding workbook, customized pinning schedule, a pre-recorded Q&A video session, and more.

Now I’m able to help bloggers grow their Pinterest presence, page views, sales, etc. It’s an awesome feeling, and if offering Pinterest services is something you’re serious about, I highly recommend checking out Become A Pinterest VA Today.

Does offering Pinterest services sound like something you’d like to do? Let me know in the comments!


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Original article and pictures take i1.wp.com site

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