пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

How To Create Social Media Posts You’re Not Afraid To Share With The World

How To Create Social Media Posts You’re Not Afraid To Share With The World

You are feeling brave, it’s time to put yourself out there and post some real content on Social Media. You feel prepped, ready to go, and then it hits...


You are doubting what you wanted to post. The question of whether anyone will truly care overwhelms you. All of a sudden it doesn’t seem so important, hitting “publish” feels impossible, and a few things happen:

  1. You just don’t post.

  2. You edit your post so much that it doesn’t even seem like you.

  3. You post and find yourself in a social media rut.


Sound familiar? First darling, know that you aren’t alone. Second, know that there is a better way to truly use your social media profiles to showcase the REAL you without feeling like a fraud.

Social media marketing kind of feels like the first day of school, except it is every single day. Literally ground hogs day.

Every single day you have to come up with new content to get people engaged and excited AND you have to be excited about it too!

You put yourself out there to meet people — some people respond, and some don’t. One of the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur is that, regardless of that outcome, we have to have the courage to show up again and again if we truly want to find success on social media.

Unfortunately you also have to consider the new algorithm Facebook decided to create that week that filters posts, and it can all just feel plain difficult.

But here is a secret darling, it isn’t about being or looking perfect, it is about being authentically YOU and connecting!

Here is a total truth bomb — consumers receive 3000-4000 advertising messages per day through all different media channels.

Where we go wrong (myself included) is that we make the assumption that everyone is watching every single one of our words, posts, and moves online!

Now that would be great if all of our followers were watching everything, but the reality is, between algorithms, the rise of social media for business, and some new wrench Facebook may throw in our posting, there is no way that every single person is seeing your message.

I don’t say that to discourage you or scare you, I say that because if you are letting the fear of what people think or how people perceive you hold you back, there is no better stage to get your practice on than the stage of social media.

Now that we have passed through that barrier, how do you truly show up as yourself online?

Great question.

1 / First and foremost, stop planning and stressing and just DO YOU.

What does that mean? Take some time and tap into your inner brand. Who are you? What do you stand for? What colors and words describe your brand? Below is a great example of a mood board and coming up with the look and feel for your brand. These brand guidelines will help you to come up with the true you.

The Get It Done Gals brand style guide maps out the colors, words, fonts, and style of the business. Once you've created your brand guide, you can refer to it when writing posts or creating graphics to quickly make sure you're staying on-brand. 

The Get It Done Gals brand style guide maps out the colors, words, fonts, and style of the business. Once you've created your brand guide, you can refer to it when writing posts or creating graphics to quickly make sure you're staying on-brand.

2 / Beautiful imagery (Hello, Haute Chocolate).

Seriously though, the moment we had a stock library on hand, everything changed. We stopped stressing about taking beautiful pictures and posting became much simpler. Bonus tip, if you haven’t done a custom photoshoot for yourself, hire a photographer right now and do a shoot (it can even be a student in photography school if the budget isn’t quite there). Take some photos that you LOVE, your community wants to get to know the person behind the brand. And hey, if you are shy, do the photos in a way that make you feel proud and excited!

Here's an example of a social media post using Haute Chocolate's August 2017 Instaquotes. Add your website or logo to quickly customize these pre-made quotes and share on your preferred social media with a personal anecdote to connect with your audience. 

Here's an example of a social media post using Haute Chocolate's August 2017 Instaquotes. Add your website or logo to quickly customize these pre-made quotes and share on your preferred social media with a personal anecdote to connect with your audience.

3 / Provide value.

If you want your community to engage and come back to your page, you have to provide better free content than your competitors’ paid content. Now rest assured we are talking quality over quantity. Pick your favorite medium (video, writing, Insta-stories, etc). Choose what you can commit to and what you think you will thrive in! Let your community see the real you. Talk about what they need to hear. Support them in weekly tips. For example, every week we do 1 interview with a guest and learn more about their experiences, lessons, and tips. We choose these guests based on questions that our community has.

**If you're interested in creating free checklists or worksheets for your audience, find out how to do so here.

4 / Ask yourself, what does my ideal client need to hear from ME?

Remember social media is about those you are serving. What does your ideal client need to hear from you? What are they searching for? What help do they need?

5 / Let your personality shine through.

Think about all of your friends — all of them have their own personality traits that make them special. If you don’t know yours, ask the people who surround you. They will give you the dish! What makes you special? Let that shine through in everything you do. Are you the gal that is going to talk about green juice and botox? Or are you a serious person with a conservative brand? Whatever it is, pick that from the very beginning and let it shine through in everything you do.

6 / Show up consistently.

This looks different for everyone. Some people can commit to once a week! Some a few times a week, some every day. It’s about good quality content. Create a plan for how often you can show up, set aside time to create posts (either weekly or monthly), plan out your posts using amazing tools like Later, and then mix in some live posts as well!

Most importantly, stop thinking and overthinking and just hit send. Even the most famous novels that have been edited by top editors have mistakes in them. What’s important is getting your message out there and creating relationships!

One of the top lessons we share with our clients is that you can either be perfect, or you can help people. You can’t help people if you don’t share your message and show up consistently!

So darling, take a deep breath, create your plan, and just do YOU. And remember if you make that grammatical error or have a post where you just think I don’t like that one, there is always delete or some sort of new algorithm providing space for you to have new wonderful content that you love!

Still not sure what the heck to post or the how to’s behind it?

Not a problem, take our 30-day Savvy Marketing 101 challenge.

30 days of posts prompts + 4 videos on what to post, the how to’s, and how to be authentically you while doing it. Perfect for the Get It Done Gal who wants a step-by-step how to plan for her social media!

Lindsey Morando and Nicole Lombardo are CEOs on a mission: You have the ideas, they have the tools. Co-founders of Get It Done Gals, these gals are here to make sure you are never lost when it comes to your business and marketing.  With over 20 years combined strategic business experience between them, the Get It Done Gals earned their chops leading teams that have built multi-million dollar businesses and brands including lululemon, Sharkeez, Fitness Quest 10, Midrange 7 and Lusso Bags. Since starting the Get It Done Gals, Lindsey and Nicole have helped hundreds of coaches and service-based entrepreneurs from all over the world take their online businesses from fledgling to thriving. The Get It Done Gals have also been featured in print & online publications including: Entrepreneur On Fire, In Touch Weekly, San Diego Magazine and D List Magazine, and online at Female Entrepreneur Association and The Suitcase Entrepreneur.

This guest post was written by the Get It Done Gals — you have the ideas, they have the tools.

Lindsey Morando and Nicole Lombardo are CEOs on a mission: You have the ideas, they have the tools. Co-founders of Get It Done Gals, these gals are here to make sure you are never lost when it comes to your business and marketing.

With over 20 years combined strategic business experience between them, the Get It Done Gals earned their chops leading teams that have built multi-million dollar businesses and brands including lululemon, Sharkeez, Fitness Quest 10, Midrange 7 and Lusso Bags.

Since starting the Get It Done Gals, Lindsey and Nicole have helped hundreds of coaches and service-based entrepreneurs from all over the world take their online businesses from fledgling to thriving.

The Get It Done Gals have also been featured in print & online publications including: Entrepreneur On Fire, In Touch Weekly, San Diego Magazine and D List Magazine, and online at Female Entrepreneur Association and The Suitcase Entrepreneur.

A note from Rachel: Lindsey, Nicole and I have talked a lot about how fear of posting on social media can hold our clients and customers back from growing an audience and building a business. We know that many of you struggle with wanting to feel authentic but not knowing what, and how much to share - we hope this blog post, and the Get it Done Girls' 30-day savvy marketing challenge will help!

My biggest take away: don't let fear of being not being perfect keep you silent on social media!

I am a Get it Done Gals affiliate. If you do decide to make a purchase from the Get it Done Gals in the future, I may receive compensation.

Original article and pictures take hautestock.co site

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