четверг, 4 апреля 2013 г.

How to Create Your First One on One Service in Five Steps

How to Create Your First One on One Service in Five Steps
How To Create Your First One On One Service In Five Steps

You want to start offering a one on one service but are feeling a little stumped as to where to start. First of all, high fives for being such a smarty!

Creating a one on one service is not only the fastest path to cash, but also a great way to learn more about what your ideal customers are struggling with. You’ll nail down your signature method and showcase your general awesomeness — one relationship at a time.

Not to mention that you can just about taste the hunger in this passive income-loving online world for more one on one interaction, attention, and experiences. Why not start there?

So whip out your hand sanitizer, we’re going to get a little touchy-feely here with your future clients, as we create a perfect one on one service for you in five simple steps.

And if you want to go even deeper into these five steps, I invite you to sign up for my free five-day email course that guides you with videos, worksheets and a fun challenge to create a simple one-hour service offering.

How to create your first one on one service in 5 steps | Miranda Nahmias & Co. - Score clients and grow your business with systematic marketing
How to Create Your First One on One Service in 5 Steps

Step 1: Discover your superpowers (and then step into them!).

Some of your unique gifts may or may not be applicable here. Like my ability to recognize people from vast distances by the backs of their heads. Or my talent to whip up a pun out of thin hair (which came in handy when I worked on the marketing team for a hair transplant center).

But don’t throw out your party tricks with the bath water. All the big and little life skills you’ve picked up along your life’s journey add up to something that can be pretty darn attractive, not to mention lucrative, to offer as a one on one service.

Begin by getting these flashbacks from memory lane out of the dark alley and onto paper. Put on a timer on then dump out all of these character building moments — the challenges, formal education, jobs, etc. — that have shaped you to become the fabulously talented and intriguing creature you are today.

Now take your favorite superhero stance (cape optional) and drink it all in. Think about how you can serve those in need of your special brand of rescue!

Step 2: Decide on who you will rescue with these superpowers.

Getting crystal clear on who it is you want to be spending your one on one service time with is a pretty important decision. Kinda like choosing a life partner. (No pressure or anything.)

The beauty is, you can always change your mind. But…you might have to kiss a lot of frog clients before you find someone ribbiting (sorry, couldn’t resist). So get ready to pucker up!

For now, simply hold the essence of this person. Think of your favorite people on earth you love to hang out with and wonder about what the common qualities between them are. What is it about them that gives you energy? Or think of it in reverse. Who are the energy drainers in your life and what is the irritating theme going on there?

For me, my core girlfriend posse I always look forward to hang with are passionate, dependable action takers. They take a stand on their beliefs, walk their talk, and their life’s work reflects this.

This offers me the clue that my ideal clients are action takers. You wouldn’t call this a niche, but it’s a good starting off point of who it is I want to attract in my one on one service sphere.

Marrying this with my online biz superpower — making blogging for biz fun — and now I know that my ideal blog-to-biz coaching client has a body of online work already established. And has been pretty much consistent with creating online content in some form. She shows up.

I can then trust that the steps we design together to be taken in order to reach their goals will, in fact, be taken.

And then we get to drink celebratory golden mylks in golden goblets over Zoom when their goals have been reached in three months’ time.

Niche reveal. Clink!

Step 3: Design the blueprint of your first one on one service.

Right before you lay your lips on this frog/client of yours, take another moment to put on your imagination cap and grab that piece of paper again.

This perfect client for your first offering pulls up into your dreams with that problem you are super qualified to, if not fix, provide great relief from. So what do you do with them first?

What steps would you walk them through? What questions would you need to ask them to get them on their way to success?

Maybe you have to break up this tackling of a bigger problem into separate smaller offers? If that’s the case, choose only one direct, tangible outcome and the steps you would guide them through to bring them to this place for this one specific one on one package.

Get a rough outline drawn out of this experience, and voila! I smell a sales page coming together.

Step 4: Drizzle on the awesome service sauce.

Wondering if your budding work-with-me one on one service is crazy pants or not?

Sniff out the competition. What other offers out there are similar to what you’re thinking of putting out there?

I actually love this step, because I’m totally nosey this way. But there’s a fine line to be walked here! Be careful you don’t spend too much time in this delightful latte-drenched land. Time’s a-tickin’ and you don’t want tread in these waters for too long. Dangers include self-doubt from comparing yourself to those a couple of steps ahead of you. And, well, wasting time. Success loves action takers (as do I)!

If you start seeing similar offerings out there to the one you were leaning toward creating, cheer up buckaroo! It’s actually a good sign.

If your idea is a little too out there, there might be a good reason why you’re not seeing other dating services for imaginary friends.

Lean on the concept shared in one of my favorite books ever — Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. Give yourself permission to be inspired by the work of others. Then turn this baby into your own thing as time, experience and truly listening to your ideal client’s needs and hopes guides you.

And then start pouring on the awesomeness with a heavy hand and mucho flourish.

What are some small ways you can delight your first client? How can you make them feel truly held and listened to and so blown away by your attention to detail? How can you underpromise and then overdeliver?

If you’re creeping toward overwhelm land just from reading all this, let’s take a deep breath together here.

Please don’t fret about this awesome sauce-making step. It just involves adding some element of surprise and overdoing the follow-through just a tinch. A handwritten card in the mail, a coffee gift emailed here, a deliverable delivered a day before you promised.

That way, if any balls get dropped (and if you’re just getting started I can almost guarantee you, balls will get dropped!) it’ll be more adorable than anything else.

Step 5: Get the word out.

I always tell my coaching students that more than half their time will be spent on marketing. So get your hustle pants on!

Make a big stink out of the birth of your one on one service offering. Lean on the outline of what this experience will entail, what the benefits your lucky clients are going to experience, what it’s going to feel like during and after working together. Oh yeah, and cost too. Scream about your screaming deal far and wide.

And what I just mentioned up there pretty much makes up your sales page right there.

Share that baby in your next newsletter. Tell your family and friends about it and ask them if they know anyone who may be interested. Blog about it. Facebook about it. And let your enthusiasm shine through as you do so. Because you’re saving your little world — and enthusiasm is so darn attractive.

And speaking of attractive — let’s get (meta)physical.

The power of attraction. Get reading some money mindset classics to remind yourself that you have a gift here that needs to be shared with the world. Your consciously chosen positive intentions here will raise your frequency and start attracting those perfect peeps with that energy-giving vibe we wished for in step two.

It’s so important to get over the heebie-jeebies of wanting to keep your superpower cards close to your chest. So do the internal work you need to do to step up to the plate. It’s what Oprah wants you to do.

Want to go deeper with these five steps to creating your first one on one service? Again, you can sign up for my five-day email series here that walks you through each of them in more detail and with more visuals.

And speaking of visuals, I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Share in the comments below a link to your first, second, or third one on one offering, and the superpower that’s included with it. I would love to check it out!

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Original article and pictures take www.mirandanahmias.com site

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